Smart Retirement Solutions (SRS) fiduciary services

Looking for reduced administrative work and fiduciary risk mitigation? Interested in a Pooled Employer Plan (PEP)? Think and look Smart.

Workplace retirement plans are an essential part of helping employees prepare for retirement. The rules that apply to these plans can be complex and the associated responsibilities can be burdensome, time-consuming and create liability for an employer.

Typically, a sponsoring employer has ultimate fiduciary responsibility and liability for a wide array of tasks. Many do not fully understand their fiduciary duties or have the time, resources, or expertise to devote to plan management.

Fiduciary duties and associated tasks, combined with costs to administer a plan, can deter employers from offering one.  Fortunately, employers have the ability to outsource many of these responsibilities to professional fiduciary service providers.

As an independent fiduciary, SRS works closely with employers, recordkeepers, third party administrators and investment services providers to reduce  administrative burden and  fiduciary risks for employers. These increased efficiencies and reduced liability can eliminate the barriers to offering workplace retirement plans.

A wheel shape with an orange centre with the words "Fiduciary responsibilities under ERISA". Around this are five light blue segments each with text in them, they read from the top clockwise as: loyalty, prudence, diversification, follow plan documents and control expenses.

Want to know more?

Click here to get more information about our fiduciary services!